Responsible Care® & Safety

Responsible Care Company

Proud To Be A Responsible Care® Partner Company

Environmental, Health, Safety, and Security Policy

At CBSL Transportation Services Inc., we manage our business and our facilities in a manner that provides the utmost care for the environment, protects the health and safety of employees, contractors, customers, and the public, and provides the security required by local, state, and federal authorities. This policy is intended to include the full service nature of our business including logistics, maintenance/repair, inspection/testing, storage, cleaning and transportation. In support of this policy, we will:

  • Construct, operate, and maintain our facilities in ways that protect the environment and the health and safety of our employees, our contractors, and our community.
  • Comply with applicable laws, regulations, and other applicable requirement. Exceeding them wherever possible.
  • Commit to the guiding principles and codes of management practice of the Responsible Care® Initiative.
  • To establish and regularly review progress towards goals, targets, and objectives.
  • Provide management support for and encourage employees to share accountability for continual improvement in health, safety, environmental, and security performance through training, consultation, recognition, and the pursuit of established goals and targets.
  • Reevaluate and innovate processes, procedures, and systems on a regular basis to increase the safety of our employees, our contractors, and our community while reducing the effect on the environment.
  • Apply required and recommended security programs, techniques, equipment, and training to provide adequate levels of security.
  • We will promote a spirit of openness and mutual respect with our key stakeholders and actively encourage dialogue with them in efforts to operate with the utmost respect for our environment and the health and safety of those within our community.Assure the continued relevance of this policy to our operations we will review this policy annually, or whenever significant change occurs.
  • Assure the continued relevance of this policy to our operations we will review this policy annually, or whenever significant change occurs.

– CBSL Transportation Services – President

If you require a signed copy of this policy, please send your request to

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